Photos365, the photography web site. Digtal cameras, photographs, camera reviews and photography news

The digital camera and digital photography web site
The Digital Photography Web Site
Photography News
Digital Cameras
Photography Books
Camera Accessories
Digital Photographs
Digital Photo Retouching


In recent years the face of photography has changed a great deal. Whilst traditional photography equipment and techniques are still used widely, more and more people, both professionals and amateurs, have switched to digital photography and all of the advantages it brings.

photos365 - digital photography website   Digital photography offers many advantages over film or slide photography. With digital cameras you can see the image you have taken immediately after taking the photograph, so if Aunt Betty blinked at just the wrong moment, or little johnny looked away just as you clicked the shutter you will be able to see by reviewing the photograph on the camera's LCD screen. You can then delete the image, reframe and take another photograph.

In the days when film photography was king many amatuers took photographs sparingly as each click of the shutter was costing you money. But with digital photography your photographs are stored on one of the many different "memory cards" which can be reused once you have downloaded the photos to your computer. Because of this you can keep your finger firmly on the shutter without having to worry about using up precious film.

Digital photographs can also be easily manipulated using one of the many specialist photo editing software packages such as Adobe Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro. This means that you can adjust brightness, colour levels and red-eye, as well as being able to crop you photos as required.

Digital photography has breathed new life into the world of photography, so take advantage of digital cameras and digital photography tecchnology and get shooting!

The photos365 web site brings you information on the latest digital cameras available from the likes of Canon, Nikon, Fuji and Sony. We also have information on useful camera accessories, photography books and general photography news.

Photos365 also has an online shopping facility for all your digital photography needs. If you cannot find the product that you want please get in touch to see if we can help you.

We have also added a photography blog which will carry digital photography related news items, gossip and general photography information that we think will be of interest to you. If you have a new item you think should appear in the photography blog, please let us know.

Useful Quick Links

Digital Cameras - Pictures and details of models from Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Sony, Fuji and many more
Digital Camera and digital photography accessories - Digital camera memory cards, tripods, camera bags, tripods and much more
Photography Books - Books on individual digital cameras, photography techniques and learning more about digital photography
Technology News - Technology news, including photography news, from the News365 web site

News and Blog

Canon announces 1000D
Lightweight, affordable and intuitive to use, the 10.1 Megapixel EOS 1000D offers the simplest way yet for aspiring photographers to enter the world of digital SLR photography. The Canon EOS...
Posted : 10/06/2008 20:34:20

Nikon announces the new D3 - full frame digial SLR
Nikon UK is pleased to announce the revolutionary Nikon D3 professional Digital SLR that defines a new benchmark in professional photography. “Nikon has eclipsed the competition with the D3, a cutt...
Posted : 23/08/2007 09:29:14

Sony announces its first Compact Flash product
Posted : 25/04/2007 10:17:30

Canon launches world's fastest digital camera
Posted : 07/03/2007 19:54:32

Photo Imaging Council Award
Posted : 06/12/2006 15:47:03

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